Here are the slides, in Keynote format, for our June 2019 meeting:
The slides are shared through iCloud. Enjoy.
Here are the slides, in Keynote format, for our June 2019 meeting:
The slides are shared through iCloud. Enjoy.
Our April, 2019 meeting was on email and iCloud.� Here are some helpful links from that meeting. Fittingly, the slides are shared through iCloud.
At our general meeting on April 16, 2019, we held club elections. The following people have announced candidacy for MacMAD office:
The above slate of officers was elected April 16, 2019, without opposition.
Here are the files from last night’s MacMAD meeting.
How better to share the information about iCloud than through iCloud? So, these links are to the presentation as iCloud documents.
Here are the slides in Keynote.
Here is the spreadsheet in Numbers.
When following these links, iCloud may ask you to enter a name for “collaborating”. You may enter any name you like, and click Join.
Here are the slides for our October 16th presentation on iOS 12. They are in Keynote format. File size is large at 933 MBytes. (contains small videos).
We hope you enjoy having the slides available like this so you do not need to take notes.
Overview of iOS 12 LARGE FILE
Here is a link to the notes for September 2018’s Meeting topic by Dennis Crowley in Pages format.
The share icon in iOS and on the Mac is a gateway for a lot of useful features.
Topics included in the notes are:
At this month’s meeting we are reviewing the announcements from Apple’s World Wide Developer’s Conference Keynote. As usual, MacMAD is providing links so that you don’t need to take notes in the meeting.
The announcements fell into three subject areas:
The Apple TV and Apple Watch (PDF)
iOS 12 – New system for the iPhone and iPad (Pages document) or (view as PDF)
MacOS Mojave – New system for the Macintosh (RTF Text Edit document)
Arnold gave us a good presentation Tuesday night on various photography topics. He was nice enough to give us a copy of his slides in PDF format.
Take a look to see some of his photos, what cameras he uses, pros and cons of JPEG vs. RAW, backup strategies and some hints on organizing photos in Light Room.
Our April meeting topic is the Synology Disk Station. Here are the Keynote slides for the meeting. However, most of the presentation will be a live demo.
We’re going back to basics in January with Apple’s email application Mail. We’re talking about both the Mac and iOS apps.� Here are the slides from tonight’s meeting in Keynote format. No note taking required!