I just found this photo of my computer desk from 1996.

Here’s my reasonably well-equipped computer setup from 1996. From left to right:
- The miracle piano. My wife was using that. It connected to the Mac via MIDI. I don’t know of a modern piano teaching system comprable to it
- Apple LaserWriter NT printer. Apple’s last LaserWriter came out in 1996. My new printer is about the same size and speed. It’s� cheaper, more reliable, and has WiFi, though.
- A microphone. That was a rarely used accessory. Who knows what was going on that day.
- Yellow Touch-Tone desk phone
- 9600 baud modem
- Removable media optical drive — I think 100 Mbyte capacity
- Power Macintosh 7200 – 90 MHz Power PC 601, 500 MB hard drive, CD-ROM, floppy drive
- A big, heavy CRT – probably a Bill Bernett after-the-meeting special
- A joystick, probably for the�game F/A-18 Hornet
- Blue mousepad. Hey, I still have that mousepad. I should probably get a new one occasionally
- Another telephone, Model 500 black dial phone. This phone stayed in use longer than the yellow one. It was still working when my landline was disconnected entirely about 2015.